It's called a caribiner and mountain climbers used them to make the ropes keep them on the mountain. I use mine to stop my stomach from plummetting to my feet when I reach my car door with a cart full of groceries and can't find my keys.
This little baby has a ring on one side and then a mountain climbing clip on the other side that opens on a spring and attaches easily to pretty much anything. Voila--your keys stay put. I clip my caribiner onto the strap of my diaper bag. or my stroller, or even my belt loop. Fashionable, I know, but I'd much rather look like a dork than be locked out of my house. (And just because it happened once doesn't mean my WFMW isn't valid. Today was a fluke, people.)
Updated to add: I got mine at DollarTree.
Oh what a great post! I already do this...and yes...it totally works for me too!!! I just have the clip attached to my key ring...i don't have the strap. cool!
I really need to do this. I can't stand when I have to rummage through my purse to find my keys. I usually lose them at home, though, so this would help me keep track of them at home.
Hmm...Let me think...with arms full of groceries digging down in the bottom of my purse through all the junk for ten minutes trying to find the keys I know I put in there when I entered the store, dropping groceries and trying to keep track of my son (who isn't thrilled he had to go shopping with me in the first place and just wants to go home) at the same time...
Using a "fashionable" caribiner to keep keys handy?
Thanks for the tip! :) Ann'Re
Besides the fact that it would make a great self defense weapon as well. Great tip!
If I could only get MR. Brownstone to use one! This is a great idea!
Thanks for all your fun comments! I can't seem to comment on your blogs Ann're and Mrs Brownstone. (Anyone else having trouble with blogger?)
Ann're--your comment really made me laugh!
And Mrs Brownstone--these are perfect for guys because of the rock climbing thing! (And you are an x-box wife? Too funny)
and the plus side... if you decide to become a janitor, you've already got the key idea going for you! ;-D
hey, with the blogger issue... i've been having trouble checking comments too, the page just won't come up. is that your problem. the way i've gotten around is by clicking the time or the permalink and then posting comments from there...
of is it a matter that your other account won't let you log in?
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