Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Works for Me Wednesday: Count Down to Bedtime

Every single night, sneak into your sleeping children's rooms and marvel at their tiny hands, their peaceful faces, and their fragile but capable bodies. Take a minute to be glad they aren't jumping off the arm of the couch, rubbing peaches into their scalp, or pouring water out of the bathtub one cup at a time. Enjoy how innocent they look, and laugh a little bit, because that SO isn't like them.

But after that minute, lean in close and kiss their foreheads. Remember that if it weren't for you they wouldn't exist. You would never have met this unique, exasperating, glorious human that lives right in your own house and who is going to wake up elated to see you in just a few short hours. Let yourself be a little frightened and completely awed by that thought. Kiss them again if you need to.

And then stand up and look around the room and ENJOY this tranquil moment with your child safe and asleep in your house. It won't last as long as you think. And no matter what this book says, if you drive across town, climb in a window, and rock your sleeping, grown-up son, the police think that's breaking and entering.


Liza on Maui said...

Aloha, I am just quickly browsing before I start posting my WFMW post. Your post caught my eyes because bedtime (or minutes before they go to sleep) is my special bonding time with the kids. I wholeheartedly agree that what you shared works :)

Anonymous said...

yep, you twenty somethings grew up too fast...
love the last paragraph

kittyhox said...

Gosh, this is good advice. The days are so hectic and blur together and my 14 month old just won't stop getting older! My favorite thing in the world is to watch him sleep and pray over him in his crib. I think I'll start making it part of my bedtime routine.

The nice thing is that even teenagers sleep. So I can do this until he leaves the house. And he won't even know it. :)

Katy said...

Beautiful thoughts! And I loved your last paragraph! LOL!

Unknown said...

I just heard the "Love Your Forever" story for the first time this summer! Robert Munisch has a CD of his stories and that is how I heard it. LOL!

SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

Great advice...when we put our kids to bed, we pray, then tell two stories and sing some hymns with them - it's our special bonding time and they seem to sleep better because of the routine.

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Their prayers before bedtime are precious, too.


jenica said...

oooh, i just love your blog! i'll be coming back...

and yes, we don't want charges for breaking and entering... even as a child i worried about the mom in that story falling off the ladder or out of the tree. i don't know too many old ladies capable of such acrobatics.

Alissa said...

Love this! Totally true. And if my mom came to my house through an upstairs window, i'd have her admitted.
p.s. thanks for reading my blog!