Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's 9:07 PM

and my kids are asleep, although for how long, anyone can guess. I'm pretty sure it's time to call it good and admit The Baby Whisperer didn't work: My 9 month old is no where close to sleeping through the night and the 3 year old isn't too much better.

What with potential night feedings, night potty training, and night-mares, I should be brushing my teeth and climbing into bed like the little dears.

But not tonight. Because I haven't had a woman to woman conversation all day. So instead of sleeping, I write to you, internet. Nothing so dramatic as this is my letter to the world, but a polite hi, none the less.

Here was my day:

20 minutes "running" behind the double jogger

1 trip to DollarTree

2 packs of Ramen noodles split between us 3 girls for lunch

0 potty accidents (WAHOO!)

Way too many games of Spider Solitaire

5 cookies eaten all by myself (so much for the "run")

6 nursing sessions

Plus (and I'm ashamed to admit this is an accomplishment)--Everyone in our household showered and/or bathed in the last 24 hours.

How was your day?

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